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Video Builder

My video builder allows you to make professional looking videos at a fraction of the cost of custom videos.  

For styles with character choices, you can keep the same character throughout the video or mix it up per scene.  Note that any further customization will incur an extra fee.

Text in scenes are for example.  You can create any message and increase or decrease the amount of text to your needs.

1. Choose a style

2. Determine how many scenes you need 

(each slide is ~6-8s)

3. Choose the scenes and order 

(you can use a scene more than once)

4. Send information regarding colors, characters and text for each scene

5. Send logo and contact info 

(think about voiceover and background music)

Styles: Click on image to go to templates

3D Modern




Text Marketing


Playdough opener

Problem building

Rocket won't take off

Wrong pieces

Something's broken

Laptop opener


Plant growing

Building a bridge

Rocket take off

Rocket landing success


In it together


Book benefits

Train benefits

Sticky notes

Whiteboard title


Call to Action